Sven Rady
- 1995: Ph.D. in Economics, London School of Economics
- 1990-1995: European Doctoral Program in Quantitative Economics, University of Bonn (1990-1991) and London School of Economics (1991-1995)
- 1989: Diplom-Mathematiker, University of Bonn
- 1982-1989: Studies in mathematics and physics at the universities of Konstanz, Bonn and Paris VII

© Econ Uni Bonn
Academic positions
- Since 2011: Hausdorff Chair for Mathematical Economics, University of Bonn
- 1999-2011: Professor of economics, University of Munich
- 1996-2001: Assistant professor of economics, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University; promotion to untenured associate professor in 1999; on leave 1999-2001
- 1994-1996: Lecturer in economics, London School of Economics
Other positions
- 1992-1995: Consultant, Swaps and Options Research Team, PARIBAS Capital Markets Ltd, London
- 1989-1990: Technical service (instead of military service), Staatliches Amt für Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft (Regional Environmental Agency), Bonn
Awards and fellowships:
- 2023: Fellow of the Econometric Society
- 2021 & 2022: Teaching award, Department of Economics, University of Bonn
- 2008-2010: Research professorship at the University of Munich under the auspices of GRK 801 (10/2008 - 03/2009) and LMUexcellent (04/2009 - 09/2010)
- 2005: Teaching award of the State of Bavaria
- 1995: Participant in the Review of Economic Studies May Meetings (Brussels-London-Toulouse) with paper on “Optimal Experimentation in a Changing Environment”
- 1993-1994: Graduate fellowship, Economic and Social Research Council of the UK
- 1993: Research scholarship, COLONIA Scholarship Foundation (Germany)
- 1991-1992: Grant for doctoral studies abroad, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- 1983-1988: Scholarship, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
Professional activities:
- Co-Editor, Journal of Mathematical Economics (04/2013-12/2019)
- Co-Editor, B.E. Journals in Theoretical Economics (10/2010-02/2013)
- Associate editor, Review of Economic Studies (2000-2007), B.E. Journals in Theoretical
Economics (2006-2010), Mathematics of Operations Research (06/2016-12/2018) and Journal of
Economic Theory (since 07/2021) - Secretary of the European Standing Committee of the Econometric Society (since 08/2015)
- Programme chair, 68th European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Toulouse, 2014
- Member of the program committee, European Meeting of the Econometric Society (1999, 2001-2003, 2011-2013), Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (2008-2012), Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association (2010-2011), World Congress of the Game Theory Society (2016)
- Member of the organization committee (2009-2018), European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (ESSET)
- Member of the management committee (06/2017-02/2019), COST Action CA16228 “European Network for Game Theory (GAMENET)”
- Deputy spokesperson, (since 2022) and spokerperson (2018-2021), Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TR 224 “Economic Perspectives on Societal Challenges: Equality of Opportunity, Market Regulation, and Financial Stability” (funded by German Science Foundation since 2018)
- Associate director, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn (since 09/2019)
- Principal investigator (since 2012) and member of the board of directors (2013-2018), Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn
- Principal investigator, Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TR 15 “Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems” (funded by German Science Foundation 2004-2015)
- Member of the board of directors, Bonn Graduate School of Economics (since 04/2014)
- Director, Munich Graduate School of Economics (2002-2011)
- Spokesperson, Research Training Group GRK 801 “Markets, Institutions, and the Scope of Government”, University of Munich (funded by German Science Foundation 10/2002-09/2011)
- Member of the Standing Field Committee for Economic Theory (Theoretischer Ausschuss) of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik)
- Research fellow, CESifo Research Network (Munich)
- Research fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research (London)
- Associate member, Financial Markets Group, London School of Economics
- Referee for American Economic Review, B.E. Journals in Theoretical Economics, Decisions in Economics and Finance, Econometrica, Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, Economic Theory, Economics Letters, European Economic Review, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Review, International Journal of Central Banking, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (Outstanding Referee Award 2013), Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of
Housing Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Kredit und Kapital, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Mathematical Finance, Operations Research, RAND Journal of Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Theoretical Economics, German Science Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, US National Science Foundation
Invited lectures:
- 2020: Semi-plenary talk, International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, NY, USA
- 2016: Minicourse “Strategic Experimentation”, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- 2012: Minicourse “Strategic Experimentation”, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Conference presentations (by myself or a co-author):
- 2023: Standing Committee for Economic Theory (Verein für Socialpolitik); Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (Paris)
- 2022: 7th Workshop on Stochastic Methods in Game Theory (Erice)
- 2018: 30 Year REStud Tour Reunion Conference (Copenhagen)
- 2017: Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (Faro); Inaugural Conference on Mathematical Economics and Finance (Manchester)
- 2015: European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (Gerzensee); Workshop on Stochastic Games (Singapore)
- 2014: Canadian Economic Theory Conference; 8th International Conference on Game Theory and Management (St. Petersburg); SING 10 Conference (Krakow)
- 2013: Hausdorff Trimester Program “Stochastic Dynamics in Economics and Finance” (Bonn); North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society; Society for Economic Dynamics; 4th Workshop on Stochastic Methods in Game Theory (Erice); European Economic Association; European Meeting of the Econometric Society; Workshop on Advances in Experimentation (Paris)
- 2012: International Conference on Game Theory (Stony Brook)
- 2011: North American Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society
- 2010: Platform Markets: Regulation and Competition Policy (ZEW and MaCCI Mannheim); World Congress of the Econometric Society
- 2009: North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society
- 2008: North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society; European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (Gerzensee); Society for Economic Dynamics; European Meeting of the Econometric Society
- 2007: IREBS 2007 Conference on Real Estate Economics and Finance (Regensburg); Society for Economic Dynamics; German Economic Association
- 2006: CESifo Area Conference on Applied Microeconomics; European Meeting of the Econometric Society
- 2005: American Economic Association/American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association; Society for Economic Dynamics; NBER Summer Institute, Workshop on the Economics of Real Estate and Local Public Finance
- 2003: American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association; Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics; Society for Economic Dynamics; CEPR Workshop on the Economics of Cities; Macro-Housing Workshop at the University of Hong Kong
- 2002: American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association; CESifo Area Conference on Industrial Organisation; European Meeting of the Econometric Society; German Economic Association; NBER Summer Institute Economic Fluctuations and Growth, Working Group on Income Distribution and Macroeconomics; NBER Asset Markets/Real Estate Meeting
- 2001: DET Workshop on Learning in Economics (University of Copenhagen); European Meeting of the Econometric Society; German Economic Association
- 2000: American Finance Association; European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (Gerzensee); European Summer Symposium in Financial Markets (Gerzensee); 7th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics; Western Finance Association; World Congress of the Econometric Society
- 1999: American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association; NBER Conference on Real Estate Economics
- 1998: American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association; Econometric Society Winter Meetings; European Economic Association; European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (Gerzensee); The Future of Housing and Mortgage Markets (Financial Markets Group, London School of Economics); Western Finance Association
- 1995: European Economic Association; European Summer Symposium in Financial Markets (Gerzensee); Royal Economic Society; Society for Economic Dynamics and Control; Summer in Tel Aviv; World Congress of the Econometric Society
- 1994: International Conference on Mathematical Finance (Tunis)
- 1993: 6th Annual CBOT European Futures Research Symposium
Seminar presentations:
- 2023: CERGE-EI Prague, Toulouse, EUI Florence
- 2021: Princeton
- 2020: Toronto
- 2018: City University of Hong Kong, Southampton
- 2017: Maastricht, St. Andrews
- 2016: Austin, Paris, Zurich, Bocconi, Montreal, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, LSE
- 2015: Mannheim, Exeter, Queen Mary London, Oxford
- 2014: Warwick, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Frankfurt, Edinburgh
- 2012: Frankfurt, Toulouse, WHU
- 2011: Paris School of Economics, Helsinki
- 2010: Yale, Bonn
- 2009: Zurich, Mainz
- 2008: UPenn, Yale, HEC Paris, Wisconsin-Madison, Mannheim
- 2006: HU Berlin, Göttingen, UCL, IIES Stockholm, Regensburg
- 2005: Erlangen-Nürnberg, Heidelberg
- 2004: Toulouse, HEC Lausanne, St. Gallen
- 2002: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, St. Gallen, Helsinki
- 2001: Bonn, TU Munich, Wisconsin-Madison, Frankfurt, Saarland
- 2000: Zurich, Stockholm School of Economics, Venice, Erlangen-Nürnberg, EUI Florence
- 1999: Oxford, LBS, LMU Munich, Columbia, NYU, UPenn, Yale, Rochester, Berkeley
- 1998: Princeton, Dortmund, Bielefeld, FU Berlin, Mannheim, Konstanz, Caltech, Northwestern, Chicago, British Columbia, Carnegie-Mellon
- 1996: Columbia, NYU, Wharton, Wisconsin-Madison, Illinois-Chicago, Stanford
- 1994: Paris I (Sorbonne), Washington University St. Louis
- 1993: Warwick Business School