Master Mathematics

Mathematics Master students can attend and take exams in certain Economics Master lectures and/or modules within the framework of the exchange agreement between the two departments. Access to Economics modules is possible only as long as the export module capacity has not been exceeded.


In order to be able to take part in the examinations of the Department of Economics and so as to be able to register for individual exams on BASIS yourself, a one-time registration is initially required.

The registration process is digitized and can be applied for via this website. Please do not send us any documents by mail unless you are requested to do so separately (e.g. by email).

If you fail to apply for registration within the announced period, exam registration and participation within the 1st exam period will not be possible. A subsequent registration date will be offered before the 2nd examination period. The exact date can be found in the schedule (see Dates)

Registration for Examinations

In each module, two final examinations are offered every semester (usually at the end of the respective semester and shortly before the beginning of the following semester). Both examination dates can be taken independently.

Students need to register for module examinations. Registration and withdrawal may be effected online in BASIS at any time during the published registration and withdrawal period. Registration is impossible or invalid if a prerequisite for participation is not fulfilled. After having effected a registration in BASIS, print out the pdf file "Info über angemeldete Prüfung" and check the status of the registered exam(s). This is the only way you can prove to the Examination Office that you have indeed effected a registration.
If exam registration cannot be effected by electronic means, all students must contact the Economics Examination Office within the registration deadline.

Registration periods are limitation periods and therefore subsequent registration is not possible after the deadline has run out.

Students enrolled in the Master Program Mathematics may contribute up to 24 credit points of the export modules in Economics to the 120 credit points of their Master Program Mathematics. The modules provided by the Master Program Economics include four basic modules which are offered every winter semester, as well as several advanced modules offered in the winter and/or summer semester. Advanced modules are categorized into the following five fields of study:

  • Microeconomic Theory,
  • Macroeconomics & Public Economics,
  • Management & Applied Microeconomics,
  • Financial Economics,
  • Econometrics & Statistics.

The advanced modules may only be attended in case the respective requirements are met. The number of modules offered in each of the five fields of study per semester may vary. At the beginning of each semester, the available advanced modules can be found online in the electronic course catalogue. It is possible to take basic modules without attending a corresponding advanced module thereafter.

Basic Modules

Basic modules comprise 7.5 credit points and are offered every winter semester. The following basic modules may be attended. Note that the module Mathematics for Economists is not open for students of the Master Program Mathematics. A re-sit may be taken exclusively in the four basic modules to improve a previously acquired passing grade. This attempt to improve the grade is only allowed in case the first exam was taken and passed during the first examination period of a semester and in case the re-sit will be taken and passed in the second examination period of the very same semester. Thereafter, taking a further resit to improve the previously acquired passing grade is not possible.

Basic Module Prerequisite for Attendance
Microeconomics / Microeconomics PhD none
Macroeconomics / Macroeconomics PhD none
Finance none
Econometrics / Econometrics PhD none


Advanced Modules (as of July, 15 2022)

The following modules can be selected from advanced modules, each 7.5 credit points.

Please note that not all of these modules are offered every semester and that the offer depends on the teaching capacity. Please check the course catalogue for the advanced modules currently available in the respective semester.
Module Prerequisite
Algorithmic Economics none
Dynamic Methods and Applications none
Economics of Contracts and Information none
Game Theory none
Information and Dynamic Incentives none
Mechanism Design and Social Choice none
Microeconomics II Microeconomics
Decision Theory none
Module Prerequisite
Dynamic Macroeconomics none
Dynamic Methods and Applications none
Growth and Development Economics none
International Economics and Finance none
Labor and Population Economics none
Labor Economics none
Macroeconomics II Macroeconomics
Monetary Economics none
Public Economics none
Module Prerequisite
Applied Microeconomics none
Behavioral Economics none
Dynamic Methods and Applications none
Economics and Psychology none
Effective Programming Practices for Economists none
Industrial Organization none
Institutional Economics none
Labor Economics none
Labor Market Policy and Institutions none
Managerial Accounting none
Organizational Economics none
Personnel Economics none
Module Prerequisite
Applied Corporate Finance none
Asset Pricing none
Banking and Securitization none
Corporate Finance none
Digital Finance none
Dynamic Methods and Applications none
Empirical Banking and Finance none
Financial Stability none
Household Finance none
Monetary Economics none
Option Pricing none
Module Prerequisite
Computational Statistics none
Econometric Theory none
Econometrics II Econometrics
Effective Programming Practices for Economists none
Labor Market Policy and Institutions none
Microeconometris Econometrics
Time Series Econometrics Econometrics
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