
Course of Study

The Master of Science program in Economics is a two-year program (4 semesters) in which 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points are earned.

First Semester

In the first semester, students choose four out of five basic modules, which give them an in-depth understanding of the basics of the subject and prepare them optimally for the further course of their studies. The following five basic modules are offered:

  • Mathematics for Economists
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Finance
  • Econometrics

The basic module Mathematics for Economists is mandatory for all students, of the remaining four basic modules at least three must be taken.

2nd & 3rd Semester

In the second and third semesters, students determine their individual study profile by selecting advanced modules in the study areas that they find most interesting.

  • Microeconomic Theory
  • Management & Applied Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics & Public Economics
  • Financial Economics
  • Econometrics & Statistics
  • Economic Research

The advanced modules deal critically with the current literature and provide the students with a deeper understanding of the conceptual and methodological assumptions of various approaches.

In addition, students also take a research seminar which allows for students serves to further investigate current research in one of the study areas and to strenghten their academic and analytical skills. Students work in groups on a joint economic research project, formulate research questions and to develop a research approach.

4th Semester

Students have the entire fourth semester to prepare and to write their Master thesis. Here, students can explore their own research interests and apply the acquired knowledge to an individual research project.

Prerequisites: To register for their Master thesis, students need to have acquired 30 credit points from Basic Modules, have passed one advanced module in the study field in which they intend to write the Master thesis and need to have passed one research module in any study field.


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Sabine Hübner-Monien

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