Contact Persons
Advising for prospective students, trial studies, FFF program, subject and location changers, support for first-year students, course planning during studies, studying under special conditions, alumni, careers, curriculum planning, quality management
Vera Häckel
Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Office hour
Please check our German Website for the latest announcement on office hours!
Mondays: 13-14 h online, 14-15 in office
- Join via browser: Link6
- Meeting-ID: 943 7913 1495 -- Code: Beratung
- or Room 0.037, Juridicum
Thursdays: 12-13 h online, 14-15 in office (same link and same room as mondays)
and by appointment
Brief consultation in chat via WhatsApp: here 777(only for bachelor study advisory/not for questions about the master program)7

Advising for prospective Master's students and students, advising on study abroad and internships abroad, advising and support for international Bachelor's and Master's students, advising and support for exchange students (incoming students)
Sabine Hübner-Monien
Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Office hours
The Juridicum will be closed and I will not have office hours on Monday, March 3rd due to the carnival break.
Mondays: 1:30 - 3 pm - both in my office (room 0.039) and via zoom
- Join via Browser: Link9
- Meeting-ID: 941 0708 6089
Code: 209465
Thursdays: 10 - 11 am - via zoom only
- Join via Browser: Link10
- Meeting-ID: 928 2266 4721
Code: 694364

Economics Examination Office
Phone.: +49 228 73 9188
Juridicum, Room 0.021
The Economics Examinations Office serves as the examination authority for all degree programs offered by the Department of Economics and students from other faculties who take modules at the Department of Economics. You can contact us for questions regarding:
- Admission and registration for the examination procedure
- Transfer of credit procedures
- Allocation processes (Academic Research and Writing in the Bachelor's program, Research Modules in the Master's program)
- Examinations (e.g. registrations, de-registrations, withdrawals)
- Examination procedure
- Certificates (e.g. for the Ausländeramt, BAföG, student loans)
- Transcripts of records showing only passed exams
- Theses
- Graduation certificates
- Certificates and diplomas
- Electronic study accounts

The Fachschaft VWL of the University of Bonn12, consists of elected and non-elected students of the Department of Economics:
- They stand up for the interests of all students – no matter if Bachelor, Master's, PhD or minor. The student council represents the students in many different committees and bodies of the department.
- The student council offers a consultation hour where you can ask your questions about studying, exams, life in Bonn and more.
- Organizes Whatsapp groups for first-semesters.
- Provides old exams for exam preparation.
- The entire freshman program and various parties are organized by the student council.
- During the lecture period, the student council also organizes various events: Inside Research gives a very interesting insight into the current research of our professors. We also organize software courses such as a LaTeX or R workshop.