Where can I make networking contacts during my studies?
Through events and good networking, the department offers numerous points where students can make contact with potential employers. The most important platform is the annual Faculty Career Day:
Faculty Career Day
The participating employers are specifically interested in economists and are available to answer your career questions – in addition, there will be interesting program items with lectures and workshops:
- vacancies for student assistants, internships, trainees and permanent positions
- spontaneous conversations with interesting employers in group video calls
- scheduled private conversations with dream employers
- spontaneous 1:1 video calls
- Webinars on the topic of career entry and CV check
- virtual company presentations as a webcast
Registration and time frame
Application training
Click here for the free online preparation training1.
Fair event
Mittwoch 21. Mai 2025
10:00 Uhr - 15:00 Uhr
More information on how to register for the application training, the workshops and the participating companies.
Application Training
June 3rd 2024
Online Workshop: Application Training
Get practical tips on the application process, the formulation of a cover letter, the optimal resume, the right approach in the interview and much more on the subject of applications.
Faculty Career Day
June 12th 2024: 10:00 - 15:00
Exhibition tent behind the Juridicum
Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Come into contact with the participating employers and ask your questions – in addition, there will be interesting program items with presentations and workshops. More1
On site last year:

WiWi Konkret
The series of events WiWi Konkret brings practitioners from companies or banks, experts or renowned scientists for topics with direct practical relevance into the lecture hall. In addition to the exciting lectures, there is always the opportunity to ask the speakers questions afterward and to get in touch. Topics have so far included:
- Dr. Benjamin Schickner
Buying steering wheels with Game Theory - Dr. Julien de Graat and Karen Forghani
Risikomanagement von Banken im Spannungsfeld regulatorischer Anforderungen - Prof. Dr. Isabel Schnabel
Vorstellung des Jahresgutachtens des Sachverständigenrates zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung - Dr. Reiner Klingholz
Die demografische Zukunft der Nation - Prof. Dr. Helge Löbler
Glaubwürdigkeit und Kommunikation – Wie wir uns (miss-)verstehen
The irregular events are announced on the website.
Next WiWi Konkret
09:00 - 17:00
No registration is necessary
More ways to network
ALUMNI lectures
The Department of Economics has a broad network of ALUMNI around the world. In the ALUMNI lectures, former students of the department present their current career fields and the way to get there. Again, there is the chance to ask questions and to get in touch after the lecture.
Guest lectures
In numerous modules, guest lectures are offered that link the course content with practice or practical topics.
Take the opportunity to ask your questions and get in touch with the lecturers.
Contacts of the lecturers
The lecturers in the department are well networked and maintain contacts not only with scientists but also with companies, authorities and politicians. Internships have often already been arranged through these contacts.
- https://iqb.de/events/wiwikarriere/fakultaetskarrieretag-wiwi-friedrich-wilhelm-universitaet-bonn/
- https://iqb.de/service/workshops/