Career orientation

Career Preparation

A degree in Economics prepares students for a career in the private sector, in research, in teaching or even in completely different professional fields.

It is never too early to start thinking about the time after graduation and to find out about career opportunities, make contacts, gain additional qualifications or do practical work during your Bachelor's or Master's degree.

Career News
Apply as a tutor now4
The recruitment period is 07.10.2024 to 24.01.2025, during which time each tutor will hold two 90-minute tutorials per week.
Jetzt als Tutor*innen bewerben5
Der Einstellungszeitraum ist 08.04.2024 bis 19.07.2024, in dieser Zeit hält jeder Tutor bzw. jede Tutorin zwei Tutorien á 90 Minuten pro Woche.
WIWI konkret: Der Telekommunikationsmarkt mit Wolfgang Heer6
Juridicum, Adenauerallee ...
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Wolfgang Heer, Dipl. Volkswirt (Universität Bonn) und Geschäftsführer des Bundesverbandes Glasfaseranschluss e. V. (BUGLAS e.V.) über "Der ...
Meet a Consultant @Deloitte7
Online via Teams
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Deloitte lädt am Freitag, den 08.12.2023 von 12:00 – ca. 14:00 Uhr zur Vortragsreihe „Meet a Consultant @Deloitte“ ein. Der Vortrag hat einen hohen ...
Fakultätskarrieretag: Online-Bewerbungstraining8
05:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Erhalte praktische Tipps zum Bewerbungsverfahren, der Formulierung eines Anschreibens, dem optimalen Lebenslauf, dem richtigen Umgang im Interview und vieles ...

What can I do professionally after my studies?

Upon successful completion of their studies, graduates of the department have many opportunities to shape their careers.

Who will advise me on professions and how to apply?

During your studies, you always wonder what can follow graduation. Here you will find advice:

How can I make connections while I'm still studying?

Through events and good networking, the department offers numerous points where students can make contact with potential employers.

How can I gain practical experience in my studies?

In addition to studies, practical experience is crucial for a later career.

Voluntary engagement

At the University of Bonn, there are numerous student groups that are involved in social, cultural, university-political and various other projects. Through their versatile work, they contribute to practical experiences outside of their studies.

Job portal for economists

At Jobportal Economics (Bonn), students and graduates can find help in starting their careers. The job portal is part of a large network of university job portals throughout Germany.

Jobs at the university

As a modern research university in the middle of the city of Bonn, the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität is known as an attractive employer.

Jobs at the department

The Department of Economics is always looking for motivated employees.


Avatar Häckel

Vera Häckel

Study management Bachelor
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