This paper studies the effects of monetary policy during times when sectoral supply shocks raise the cost of living, in particular for low-income households. ...
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MEF-Seminare Wintersemester 22/23
Half of the jobs in the U.S. feature pay-for-performance. We derive novel incidence and optimum formulas for the overall rate of tax progressivity and the top ...
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MEF-Seminare Wintersemester 22/23
We collect data on the technologies used across business functions of establishments in Vietnam, Senegal, and Cear ́a (Brazil), and construct technology ...
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MEF-Seminare Wintersemester 22/23
We introduce price posting and information frictions into a canonical monetary macro model. Despite costless price adjustment, insufficient search incentives ...
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MEF-Seminare Wintersemester 22/23
The nature of productivity shocks is a central feature of models of heterogeneous-firm dynamics. Using firm-level data from Spain, we show that the observed ...
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MEF-Seminare Wintersemester 22/23
This paper studies entrepreneurship and the creation of new firms through the lens of serial entrepreneurs, i.e., entrepreneurs who establish more than one ...
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MEF-Seminare Wintersemester 22/23