19. September 2024

Why is everything still so expensive? Why is everything still so expensive?

New episode of the ECONtribute-Wirtschaftspodcast

Why are prices still so high despite low inflation? What does the European Central Bank’s interest rate cut mean for the economy? And how will climate change affect inflation in the long term?

ECONtribute © ECONtribute
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Tom Zimmermann, Professor at ECONtribute at the University of Cologne, conducts research into financial market stability and monetary policy, among other things. In the Inflation Update, we talk about why two percent inflation is considered ideal in the first place, the long-term economic consequences of phases of high inflation and how meaningful the price of olive oil actually is.

This episode is about climate, pensions and olives.

In dieser Folge geht es um Klima, Renten und Oliven.

Hier gehts zur Folge: #41: Warum ist trotz niedriger Inflation alles noch so teuer?

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