06. October 2022

New Assistant Professor: Hanna Schwank New Assistant Professor: Hanna Schwank

Hanna Schwank is new Assistant Professor in Economic History at the MacroFinance & MacroHistory Lab

Hanna Schwank
Hanna Schwank © Boston University
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Hanna Schwank holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Economics and Public Economics from Free University Berlin and received her PhD in Economics from Boston University in 2022. She is an empirical labor economist, working with both contemporary and historical data. Her research focuses on the role of women on the labor market, the effect of natural disasters on job trajectories and the returns to internal migration.

In the coming summer term, she will start teaching a master’s course in Growth and Development at our Department.

Website: https://sites.google.com/bu.edu/hannaschwank/home1

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