HSE Moskau
Since September 2021 there is the possibility to spend one semester at the NES in Moscow via an institute partnership. Interested students (Bachelor & Master) can apply for the academic year 2022/23 until February 1, 2022, by mail to auslandskoordination.wiwi@uni-bonn.de .
The Higher School of Economics (HSE)1 or National Research University Higher School of Economics is a prestigious university in Russia. HSE was originally established by the Russian government on November 27, 1992. In addition to the main campus, there are three other regional campuses in Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, and Saint Petersburg. Since 2013, HSE has been a member of the 5-100 Russian Academic Excellence Project, a highly selective government program to increase the international competitiveness of Russian universities. With over 7,000 faculty members and more than 44,000 students, HSE offers a wide range of business courses.
For this purpose, please submit the following application documents to the International Coordination Office by the deadline (as one PDF by email):
- Letter of motivation (in English) outlining both your academic and personal
- Reasons for studying abroad
- Curriculum vitae (in English)
- Current basic academic transcript
- Proof of English language proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL or high school diploma with a level of at least B2)
- Proof of Russian language skills (TORFL with a level of at least B2), if applicable
- Proof of extracurricular activities (if any)
Course Overview
Studying at HSE Moscow:
Study times:
- The first semester (Fall Semester) begins on September 1.
- The second semester (Spring Semester) begins on February 1.
Number of Exchange Places:
5 places à 6 months
- https://www.hse.ru/en/
- https://www.hse.ru/en/ba/icef/study_abroad
- https://www.hse.ru/en/edu/courses/?filial=22723&words=&full_words=&flag=ignore&year=2021&level=&language=20591&status=&audience_scope=
- https://www.hse.ru/en/edu/courses/?filial=22723&words=&full_words=&flag=ignore&year=2021&level=78395&direction=126210459&language=&status=&audience_scope=
- https://istudents.hse.ru/en/
- https://istudents.hse.ru/mirror/pubs/share/498942751