Internship abroad
An internship abroad benefits both bachelor's and master's students in multiple ways along with building a strong profile for future employment opportunities. It inculcates important skills such as:
- International experience
- Intercultural competence
- Practical experience
- Career orientation
- Contacts with employers
- Application of (language) knowledge in practice
In addition, the international coordinator 2is available for consultation.

© Leon Oalh, Unsplash
ERASMUS+ Internship
The University of Bonn supports study-related internships abroad of 2-12 months in over 30 European countries as part of the EU's ERASMUS+ program.
- Application deadline: Please apply approx. 2-3 months before the start of the internship at the International Coordination.
Please submit the following application documents to the International Coordinator:
- A letter of motivation (either in German or English) in which you explain your motivation for the internship abroad and its relevance to Economics.
- A curriculum vitae in table form (either in German or English)
- A current Transcript of Records (for Master students in the first semster: a copy of the Bachelor transcript)
- Proof of English language skills (e.g. high school diploma, TOEFL, IELTS) or knowledge of the language relevant for the internship
- Internship contract
Further information can be found on the pages of the International Office3.
Other financing options
- The PROMOS scholarship program 4also supports study-related internships. Self-organized internships outside the ERASMUS countries without remuneration or with remuneration of less than 500 euros are funded.
- Students who do not receive BAföG for their studies in Germany may also be entitled to BAföG funding for their study-related internship abroad 5due to the different assessment basis.
- The Carlo Schmid Program 6for Internships in International Organizations and EU Institutions supports interns with scholarships.
- AIESEC7 arranges internships abroad.
Sabine Hübner-Monien
International Coordination
Adenauerallee 24-42
© Econ Uni Bonn / Yehdou