
Recognition of courses from abroad

Credits earned abroad will be transferred upon application. Applications for credit transfer must be submitted as soon as all required documents are complete. Applications are accepted by the International Coordinator at any time and then forwarded collectively to the reviewers. The recognition process can take several weeks.

Request forms

(please download, fill in on screen and print)

The following rules apply:

  • Bachelor's degree program: Examination credits from a Bachelor's degree program or equivalent program will be transferred if there are no significant differences to the learning outcomes of the classes offered a the University of Bonn. Students can selectc the examinations for which they wish to take the credits. Examinations are transferred as "passed" without grades (PO 2016). The Bachelor thesis is not credited. 
  • Master's degree program: Examination credits from a Master's degree or equivalent program will be transferrred if there are no significant differences to the learning outcomes of the classes offers at the Universita of Bonn. Students can select the examination which they wish to receive credit for. Examinations are transferred as "passed" without grades (PO 2017). The Master thesis is not credited.

Crediting rules

  1. Only courses that essentially correspond to the Bonn modules in terms of scope, requirements and content or that do not have any significant differences, can be credited to the compulsory area in the Bachelor's program and the basic modules in the Master's program. Courses from abroad are credited to an existing Bonn module.
  2. Courses from a foreign university that are equivalent in content, scope and level and that fit into one of the areas of specialization or into one of the fields of study can be credited to the subject-specific compulsory elective area in the Bachelor's program and the advanced modules in the Master's program, even if there is no equivalent in the Bonn module catalog.
  3. This does not apply to the free elective area of the Bachelor's program: Here, only those courses can be credited that are also available in the free elective area in Bonn (see module catalog).
  4. Only courses that have been completed by official examinations and documented in a transcript of records from the foreign university can be credited. Equivalent achievements are credited with 7.5 credit points in the Bachelor's and Master's programs.
  5. In principle, all courses that are equivalent or have no significant differences will be credited (exception: free elective courses, see above). Should the credits result in a total of more than 180 ECTS or 120 ECTS, the total points earned will be scaled so that the weighting of the individual areas is maintained.
  6. Applications for the transfer of credits can no longer be changed (e.g. shortened or reallocated) after they have been subitted. The results of the crediting process are binding and cannot be influenced by the applicants. This also applies to crediting for other modules than requested.
    Here you can find further crediting regulations for the Bachelor's program and further crediting regulations for the Master's program.

Transferred  courses

Already credited courses from our ERASMUS+ partner universities (as of August 2021):

Courses already credited from our Global Exchange Program partner universities (as of August 2021):

    Anerkennungen Asien & Australien

    • Chengchi University
    • Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Hong Kong University
    • Keio University
    • Korea University
    • National University of Singapore
    • Seoul National University
    • Shanghai Jia Tong
    • National Taiwan University
    • Tongji University
    • Waseda University
    • Austsralian National University
    • University of New South Wales

    Anerkennungen  Nord- & Südamerika

    • American University
    • Louisiana State University
    • Univeristy of British Columbia
    • Univeristy of New Mexico
    • University of Ottawa
    • Univeristy of Stony Brook
    • Univeristy of Toronto
    • University of York
    • Washington State University
    • Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
    • Recognitions in the Master's program

    Advance requests

    Before starting your study abroad program and before filling out the Learning Agreement, it is advisable to have the creditability of the chosen courses checked.

    • For this purpose, you will need detailed course descriptions showing the content, the form of examination, the literature used and the credit points awarded locally. The official course descriptions must be as up-to-date as possible; if they are not available in German or English, please include a translation and mark it as (your own) translation.
    • Please also indicate to which module and in which field of study the respective course is to be credited. You can find the assignment of the modules to the individual fields of study here.
    • Please upload the course descriptions as PDF documents (attention: size limit 2 MB).
    • Please use only this online form for your preliminary request.
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