Institute for Macroeconomics and Econometrics
Macroeconomists seek to understand how individual economic activities and economic policies affect society as a whole. Doing so, research at the Institute for Macroeconomics and Econometrics follows two approaches. On the one hand, we access and analyze microeconomic and historical data with a view toward understanding questions of current macro-economic concern. On the other hand, we develop models of the economy that take into account the heterogeneity among economic agents, such as within the household sector or the firm sector. The institute brings together leading international experts on the labor market, financial stability, business cycles and monetary policy, inequality, and economic history. The institute's mission is to contribute to academia and the wider society through excellent research on questions of social relevance.
Bonn is excellent, in teaching and research. Researchers of the institute are part of the excellence clusters ECONtribute and the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, have been awarded research prizes and generous third-party funding, and have won multiple teaching awards.
Latest publications
Differences in Euro-Area Household Finances and their Relevance for Monetary-Policy Transmission4
by Thomas Hintermaier and Winfried Koeniger, Quantitative Economics: Nov, 2024, Volume 15, Issue 4, pp. 1249-1301.
"Shaping Inequality and Intergenerational Persistence of Poverty: Free College or Better Schools"5
by Irina Popova, Dirk Krueger and Alexander Ludwig, forthcoming in Journal of Monetary Economics
"Rational vs. Irrational Beliefs in a Complex World"6
By Gregor Boehl with Cars Hommes, July 2023
Policy contributions
WR 1228 “Liquidität, Wachstum, Klimaschutzgesetz”,8
Podcast: Wirtschaftskunde mit Rüdiger Bachmann und Christian Bayer, Mai 2021
“Fiscal expansions and liquidity premia”,9
Christian Bayer, Benjamin Born, Ralph Luetticke, May 2021.
"Special Issue of Economic Policy on stereotypes, attitudes and discrimination"10
Barbara Petrongolo, Ghazala Azmat, Roberto Galbiati, Tommaso Monacelli, Moritz Schularick, May 2021.
The institute organizes conferences attended by guests from all over the world. The covered research topics include most areas of modern macroeconomic theory: a pure methodological contribution to game theory, mechanism design, and general equilibrium, but also a broad range of applications to information economics, industrial organization, auction and market design, political economy, and behavioral economics.
Centre of Advanced Studies Finance and Inequality
The Centre of Advanced Studies on Finance and Inequality, led by Prof. Christian Bayer and Prof. Carsten Burhop, explores how financial markets have influenced and been shaped by social inequality since the 19th century. The research examines how changes in the distribution of economic resources have impacted the financial sector and how these markets have, in turn, affected long-term trends in inequality.
The Insitute conducts two weekly research seminars (one internal and one for external guests, respectively) that are also attended by BGSE students.
Find a list of all offered courses for Bachelor, Master, and PhD-students at the Institute of Macroeconomics and Econometrics as well as information on degree theses.
The Institute currently gathers a diverse, international group consisting of 6 senior/junior professors and about 5 post-docs.
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