Universität Bonn

Department of Economics

Institute of Finance and Statistics

Welcome to the Institute of Finance and Statistics (IFS) of the University of Bonn!

We are a research institute attached to the Department of Economics1 at the University of Bonn. Our two subdivisions are the Finance Group2 and the Statistics Group3.

The Statistics Group3 covers a variety of topics in modern econometrics and statistics, ranging from questions in applied and theoretical microeconometrics to problems in non- and semiparametric statistics, functional data analysis and high-dimensional statistics. Six professors, several postdocs and PhD-students make up the Statistics Group. It organizes a weekly seminar where international guest speakers present the state-of-the-art topics in econometrics and statistics. Furthermore, the Statistics Group is part of the Cluster of Excellence at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics4

The Finance Group2 is mainly engaged in research on financial intermediation and institutions, financial stability and regulation - both from a theoretical and empirical perspective. Seven professors and a number of postdocs and PhD-students contribute to research and teaching. The weekly Finance Seminar hosted by the group attracts international guest speakers. The group is part of the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy5 and it works in the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics4, and the Collaborative Research Center Transregio 2246 all sponsored by the German Science Foundation. Since January 2020, Prof. Isabel Schnabel is a Member of the ECB's Executive Board7.


The Institute gathers a diverse, international group currently consisting of 13 senior/junior professors and 6 post-docs.


The Institute conducts two weekly research seminars. One is organized by the Finance Group, the other one by the Statistics Group. They usually take place in the faculty lounge.


Find a list of all Bachelor, Master, and PhD-level courses offered at the Institute of Finance and Statistics as well as information on degree theses.

Contact Information


In case of questions, please contact our Institute's secretary Almut Lunkenheimer.

Where to find us

The office is located at the first floor of the "Nordtrakt"/Altbau of the Juridicum. For detailed directions see here11.

Avatar Lunkenheimer

Almut Lunkenheimer

+49 228 73-9228

+49 228 73-995048


Adenauerallee 24-26

53113 Bonn

Avatar Hakenes

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hakenes

Director of the Institute


Adenauerallee 24-26

53113 Bonn

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