The Gender Equality Commissioners ensure that aspects relevant to equal opportunity are included in all plans regarding the future development of the Department of Economics. They are involved in decisions made by steering committees and participate in staffing and appointment processes, especially in hiring committees.
Silke Adamitza
Sabine Hübner-Monien
Discrimination Reporter of the Equality Office3
Sexualized discrimination and violence, sexism, homophobia and transphobia as well as all other forms of discrimination based on gender will not be tolerated at the University of Bonn! - Harassment, assault or other incidents can also be reported anonymously via the Discrimination Reporter of the central Equal Opportunity Office of the University: Discrimination Reporter3
Policies for Protection Against Sexualized Discrimination and Violence4
This policy document was published on March 2, 2023 and outlines principles of conduct, procedures and potential responses with regard to cases of sexualized discrimination and violence.
Find here the current Equal Opportunity Plan of the Department of Economics. Equal opportunity plans are a governance tool for advancing equity in higher education.
The university's central equal opportunity office has general responsibility for all faculties and offers cross-departmental measures for staff.
The University's Family Office offers a wide range of mediation and counseling services in family matters for academic staff.
The offerings and promotional measures support women in gaining qualifications for their professional career paths and preparing for management positions.