In 2004, 75 million people across 10 countries joined the European Union (EU). Over the subsequent 15 years, their GDP per capita has almost doubled. Using a ...
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MEF-Seminar Wintersemester 24/25
When agents’ information is imperfect and dispersed, existing measures of macroeconomic uncertainty based on the forecast error variance have two distinct ...
Existiert in
MEF-Seminar Wintersemester 24/25
This paper studies how college admissions preferences for low income students affect intergenerational earnings mobility. We develop a quantitative model of ...
Existiert in
MEF-Seminar Wintersemester 24/25
The exposure of firms and financial institutions to aggregate shocks is a key driver behind financial crises. This paper studies how idiosyncratic uninsurable ...
Existiert in
MEF-Seminar Wintersemester 24/25
This paper investigates the financial stability consequences of banks' interest rate risk exposure and uninsured deposit funding share. We develop a model ...
Existiert in
MEF-Seminar Wintersemester 24/25
Der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften gehört zu den besten wirtschaftswissenschaftenlichen Fachbereichen auf dem Gebiet der Volkswirtschaftslehre in ...