Universität Bonn

Department of Economics / BonnEconLab

Dissertations and publications
by doctoral students based on experiments conducted at the BonnEconLab

Not only established researchers of the Department of Economics but also numerous doctoral students of the Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE)1 conduct behavioral experiments at the BonnEconLab. The BonnEconLab thereby contributes considerably to the education and advancement of early-career researchers.

Below you find a list of recently completed dissertations and of publications (co-)authored by doctoral students that are based on experiments conducted at the BonnEconLab.

Recent publications coauthored by Ph.D. students

based on experiments conducted at the BonnEconLab

Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk, and Andreas Grunewald “Communicating through Defaults.” Review of Economics and Statistics, Online Early (2022) DOI2
Jan Luca Henkel “Experimental Evidence on the Relationship between Perceived Ambiguity and Likelihood Insensitivity.” Games and Economic Behavior 145 (2024): 312–338 DOI3
Felix Chopra, Armin Falk, and Thomas Graeber “Intertemporal Altruism.” American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 16, no. 1 (2024): 329–357 DOI4
Frederik Schwerter “Social Reference Points and Risk Taking.” Management Science 70, no. 1 (2024): 616–632 DOI5
Thomas Dohmen, Simone Quercia, and Jana Willrodt “On the psychology of the relation between optimism and risk taking.” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 67 (2023): 193–214 DOI6
Thomas Dohmen, Simone Quercia, and Jana Willrodt “A note on salience of own preferences and the consensus effect.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 209 (2023): 15–21 DOI7
Armin Falk, Anke Becker, Thomas Dohmen, David Huffman, and Uwe Sunde “The Preference Survey Module: A Validated Instrument for Measuring Risk, Time, and Social Preferences.” Management Science 69, no. 4 (2023): 1935–1950 DOI8
Thomas Graeber “Inattentive Inference.” Journal of the European Economic Association 21, no. 2 (2023): 560–592 DOI9
Steffen Altmann, Andreas Grunewald, and Jonas Radbruch “Interventions and Cognitive Spillovers.” Review of Economic Studies 89, no. 5 (2022): 2293–2328 DOI10
Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt, Holger Gerhardt, Gerhard Riener, Frederik Schwerter, and Louis Strang “Concentration Bias in Intertemporal Choice.” Review of Economic Studies 89, no. 3 (2022): 1314–‍1334 DOI11
Simone Quercia and Zvonimir Bašić “The influence of self and social image concerns on lying.” Games and Economic Behavior 133 (2022): 162–‍169 DOI12
Hua-Jing Han and Matthias Wibral “Organ donation and reciprocity.” Journal of Economic Psychology 81 (2020): Article 102331 DOI13
Armin Falk, Thomas Neuber, and Nora Szech
“Diffusion of Being Pivotal and Immoral Outcomes.” Review of Economic Studies 87, no. 5 (2020): 2205–‍2229 DOI14
Benjamin Enke “What You See Is All There Is.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 135, no. 3 (2020): 1363–‍1398 DOI15
Susann Fiedler and Adrian Hillenbrand “Gain-loss framing in interdependent choice.” Games and Economic Behavior 121 (2020): 232–‍251 DOI16
Frederik Schwerter and Florian Zimmermann “Determinants of trust: The role of personal experiences.” Games and Economic Behavior 122 (2020): 413–‍425 DOI17
Armin Falk and Thomas Graeber “Delayed Negative Effects of Prosocial Spending on Happiness.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, no. 12 (2020): 6463–‍6468 DOI18
Sebastian J. Goerg, Sebastian Kube, and Jonas Radbruch “The Effectiveness of Incentive Schemes in the Presence of Implicit Effort Costs.” Management Science 65, no. 9 (2019), 3949–‍4450 DOI19
Si Chen and Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch “Looking at the bright side: The motivational value of confidence.” European Economic Review 120 (2019): Article 103302 DOI20
Benjamin Enke and Florian Zimmermann “Correlation Neglect in Belief Formation.” Review of Economic Studies 86, no. 1 (2019): 313–‍332 DOI21
Armin Falk and Florian Zimmermann “Information Processing and Commitment.” Economic Journal 128, no. 613 (2018): 1983–‍2002 DOI22
Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Ingo Menrath, Pablo E. Verde, and Johannes Siegrist “Unfair Pay and Health.” Management Science 64, no. 4 (2018): 1477–‍1973 DOI23
Adrian Hillenbrand and André Schmelzer “Beyond information: Disclosure, distracted attention, and investor behavior.” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 16 (2017): 14–‍21 DOI24
Holger Gerhardt, Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch, and Jana Willrodt “Does self-control depletion affect risk attitudes?” European Economic Review 100 (2017): 463–‍487 DOI25
Armin Falk and Florian Zimmermann “Consistency as a Signal of Skills.” Management Science 63, no. 7 (2017): 2197–‍2210 DOI26
Gerrit Frackenpohl, Adrian Hillenbrand, and Sebastian Kube “Leadership effectiveness and institutional frames.” Experimental Economics 19, no. 4 (2016): 842–‍863 DOI27
Simon Dato, Andreas Grunewald, Matthias Kräkel, and Daniel Müller “Asymmetric employer information, promotions, and the wage policy of firms.” Games and Economic Behavior 100 (2016): 273–‍300 DOI28
Matthias Wibral “Identity changes and the efficiency of reputation systems.” Experimental Economics 18, no. 3 (2015): 408–‍431 DOI29
Mara Ewers and Florian Zimmermann “Image and Misreporting.” Journal of the European Economic Association 12, no. 2 (2015), 363–‍380 DOI30
Florian Zimmermann “Clumped or piecewise? Evidence on preferences for information.” Management Science 61, no. 4 (2015): 740–‍753 DOI31
Sebastian Ebert and Daniel Wiesen “Joint measurement of risk aversion, prudence, and temperance.” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 48, no. 3 (2014): 231–‍252 DOI32
Simon Dato and Petra Nieken “Gender differences in competition and sabotage.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 100 (2014): 64–‍80 DOI33
Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk, Andreas Grunewald, and David Huffman “Contractual Incompleteness, Unemployment, and Labour Market Segmentation.” Review of Economic Studies 81, no. 1 (2014): 30–‍56 DOI34
Georgia Rada Ortner, Matthias Wibral, Anke Becker, Thomas Dohmen, Dietrich Klingmüller, Armin Falk, and Bernd Weber “No evidence for an effect of testosterone administration on delay discounting in male university students.” Psychoneuroendocrinology 38, no. 9 (2013): 1814–‍1818 DOI35
Matthias Wibral, Thomas Dohmen, Dietrich Klingmüller, Bernd Weber, and Armin Falk “Testosterone Administration Reduces Lying in Men.” PLoS ONE 7, no. 10 (2012): Article e46774 DOI36
Anke Becker, Thomas Deckers, Thomas Dohmen, Armin Falk, and Fabian Kosse “The Relationship Between Economic Preferences and Psychological Personality Measures.” Annual Review of Economics 4 (2012), 453–‍478 DOI37
Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk, Matthias Wibral “Promotions and Incentives: The Case of Multistage Elimination Tournaments.” Journal of Labor Economics 30, no. 1 (2011): 149–‍174 DOI38
Sebastian Ebert and Daniel Wiesen “Testing for Prudence and Skewness Seeking.” Management Science 57, no. 7 (2011): 1334–‍1349 DOI39
Johannes Abeler, Armin Falk, Lorenz Goette, David Huffman “Reference Points and Effort Provision.” American Economic Review 101, no. 2 (2011): 470–‍492 DOI40

Highlighted in bold are the names of the authors who worked on the manuscript or conducted the experiments while pursuing their doctoral degrees.

Recently completed dissertations

based at least partly on experiments conducted at the BonnEconLab

Laura Helene Ehrmantraut 2024 URL41
Timo Freyer 2023 URL42
Laurenz R. K. Günther 2023 URL43
Jan Luca Henkel 2023 URL44
Cavit Görkem Destan 2023 URL45
Paul Ivo Schäfer 2023 URL46
Christian Rudolf Apenbrink 2023 URL47
Sven Heuser 2022 URL48
Felix Anand Chopra 2022 URL49
Thomas Neuber 2021 URL50
Mikhail Ananyev 2021 URL51
Hua-Jing Han 2021 URL52
Lasse Stötzer 2020 URL53
Si Chen 2020 URL54
Carl Heese 2020 URL55
Jonas Radbruch 2020 URL56
Louis Strang 2019 URL57
Jana Hofmeier 2019 URL58
Sebastian Schaube 2018 URL59
Zvonimir Bašić 2018 URL60
Jana Willrodt 2018 URL61
Thomas Graeber 2018 URL62
Adrian Hillenbrand 2016 URL63
Anke Becker 2016 URL64
Benjamin Enke 2016 URL65
Frederik Schwerter 2016 URL66
Jan Bergerhoff 2015 URL67
Simon Dato 2015 URL68
Fabian Kosse 2015 URL69
Gerrit Frackenpohl 2014 URL70
Gert Pönitzsch 2014 URL71
Andreas Grunewald 2013 URL72
Florian Zimmermann 2013 URL73
Mara Ewers 2012 URL74
Mirko Seithe 2011 URL75
Sebastian Ebert 2011 URL76
Daniel Wiesen 2011 URL77

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