Alumni archive
graduated 2009 | dissertation: Essays on Matching Markets | thesis supervisors: Benny Moldovanu, Paul Heidhues
graduated 2009 | dissertation: Essays on Social Preferences, Incentives, and Institutions | thesis supervisors: Armin Falk, Matthias Kräkel
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Essays in Behavioral Economics | thesis supervisors: Armin Falk, Paul Heidhues
graduated 2008 | dissertation: The Price of CO2 Allowance in the European Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme: A Theoretical, Experimental and Empirical Study | thesis supervisors: Erik Theissen, Armin Falk
graduated 2008 | dissertation: CPPI Strategies in Discrete Time | thesis supervisors: Klaus Sandmann, Frank Riedel
graduated 2008 | dissertation: The Role of External Shocks in Emerging Market Crisis | thesis supervisors: Jürgen von Hagen, Jörg Breitung
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Issues on Subnational Public Finance and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations | thesis supervisors: Jürgen von Hagen, Ludger Linnemann
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Essays on Adaptive Learning with Applications to Monetary Policy | thesis supervisors: Jürgen von Hagen, Ludger Linnemann
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Three Essays on Unit Root an Nonlinear Co-Integrated Processes | thesis supervisors: Jörg Breitung, Erik Theissen
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Essays on Organization and Incentives in R&D and on Compatibility in two-sided Markets | thesis supervisors: Avner Shaked, Paul Heidhues
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamical Systems, Modeling Price Dynamics - Aspects of Financial Economics in Oil Markets | thesis supervisors: Klaus Sandmann, Frank Riedel
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Essays on Moral Norms, Legal Unbundling and Franchise Systems | thesis supervisors: Paul Heidhues, Martin Hellwig
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Evolution in Structured Populations | thesis supervisors: Frank Riedel, Tymon Tatur
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Heterogeneity in Economics and Aggregation | thesis supervisors: Werner Hildenbrand, Monika Merz
graduated 2008 | dissertation: A Contribution to the Determinants of Total Factor Productivity Growth | thesis supervisors: Jürgen von Hagen, Martin Hellwig
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Four Essays on Investment | thesis supervisors: Erik Theissen, Frank Riedel
graduated 2008 | dissertation: Essays on Hedging Basket Options and Irreversible Investment Valuation | thesis supervisors: Frank Riedel, Klaus Sandmann
graduated 2008 | dissertation: The pricing and hedging of barrier options and their applications in finance and life insurance | thesis supervisors: Dieter Sondermann, Klaus Schürger
graduated 2007 | dissertation: Risk Management of Life Insurance Contracts with Interest Rate and Return Guarantees and an Analysis of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Procedures | thesis supervisors: Klaus Sandmann, Frank Riedel
graduated 2007 | dissertation: Essays on International Policy Coordination in Independent Economies | thesis supervisors: Jürgen von Hagen, Ludger Linnemann