Alumni archive
graduated 2001 | dissertation: A new binning approach for fast kernel smoothing | thesis supervisors: Werner Hildenbrand, Alois Kneip
graduated 2000 | dissertation: Agency costs, net worth, and the transmission mechanism of monetary policy | thesis supervisors: Axel A. Weber, Georg Nöldeke
graduated 2000 | dissertation: On the pricing and hedging of credit risk in incomplete markets | thesis supervisors: Dieter Sondermann, Klaus Schürger
graduated 2000 | dissertation: Credit risk modelling and credit derivatives | thesis supervisors: Dieter Sondermann, Klaus Schürger
graduated 1999 | dissertation: Theoretische Analyse der Rentenversicherung | thesis supervisors: Dieter Bös, Axel A. Weber
graduated 1999 | dissertation: Investment incentives under asymmetric information and incomplete contracts Schmitz, Patrick W. | thesis supervisors: Georg Nöldeke, Peter Schönfeld
graduated 1999 | dissertation: On incentives and the decentralization of decisions in organizations | thesis supervisors: Matthias Kräkel, Peter Schönfeld
graduated 1999 | dissertation: Bounded rationality and contracts | thesis supervisors: Georg Nöldeke, Avner Shaked
graduated 1998 | dissertation: Nonparametric modelling of financial time series | thesis supervisors: Werner Hildenbrand, Alois Kneip
graduated 1998 | dissertation: Demand theory in models of financial markets | thesis supervisors: Thorsten Hens, Peter Schönfeld
graduated 1998 | dissertation: On efficient binomial option price approximations | thesis supervisors: Dieter Sondermann, Klaus Schürger
graduated 1998 | dissertation: Entrepreneurship and economic activity | thesis supervisors: Urs Schweizer, Matthias Kräkel
graduated 1998 | dissertation: On the interdependencies among information, organization, and incentives | thesis supervisors: Avner Shaked, Eberhard Schilken
graduated 1997 | dissertation: On strategic reasoning and theories of rational behavior | thesis supervisors: Avner Shaked, Urs Schweizer
graduated 1997 | dissertation: On the political economy of federal systems | thesis supervisors: Urs Schweizer, Wolfgang Löwer
graduated 1997 | dissertation: Market imperfections in general equilibrium models with uncertainty | thesis supervisors: Werner Hildenbrand, Thorsten Hens
graduated 1996 | dissertation: Rings in auctions an experimental approach | thesis supervisors: Reinhard Selton, Dieter Bös
graduated 1996 | dissertation: Essays on the economic analysis of provisions | thesis supervisors: Urs Schweizer, Avner Shaked
graduated 1996 | dissertation: Asset price volatility and option hedging in imperfectly elastic markets | thesis supervisors: Dieter Sondermann, Hans Föllmer
graduated 1996 | dissertation: On the value of information in trade relationships | thesis supervisors: Dieter Bös, Urs Schweizer