Alumni archive
graduated 1992 | dissertation: The properties of persistent retracts and related concepts | thesis supervisors: Reinhard Selton, Avner Shaked
graduated 1992 | dissertation: Structure of general equilibrium models with incomplete markets | thesis supervisors: Werner Hildenbrand, Hans Wiesmeth
graduated 1992 | dissertation: Experimental duopoly markets with demand inertia game playing experiments and the strategy method | thesis supervisors: Reinhard Selton, Avner Shaked
graduated 1992 | dissertation: Signalling in markets and games with incomplete information | thesis supervisors: Eric van Damme, Avner Shaked
graduated 1991 | dissertation: Commitment in games with asymmetric information | thesis supervisors: Urs Schweizer, Avner Shaked
graduated 1991 | dissertation: Takeovers and tacit collusion the impact of incomplete contracts on product markets and the market for corporate control | thesis supervisors: Urs Schweizer, Avner Shaked
graduated 1991 | dissertation: Financial intermediation, control, and the investment horizon | thesis supervisors: Martin Hellwig, Urs Schweizer
graduated 1990 | dissertation: Bertrand and Walras equilibria in large economies | thesis supervisors: Martin Hellwig, Reinhard Selton
graduated 1988 | dissertation: On control in principal-agent relationships | thesis supervisors: Martin Hellwig, Urs Schweizer
graduated 1988 | dissertation: Modelling competition in matching markets with non-cooperative game theory | thesis supervisors: Urs Schweizer, Eric van Damme
graduated 1987 | dissertation: Consumer demand and aggregation | thesis supervisors: Werner Hildenbrand, Urs Schweizer
graduated 1986 | dissertation: On the economic theory of warranties | thesis supervisors: Martin Hellwig, Urs Schweizer
graduated 1985 | dissertation: Arbitrage and equilibrium in economies with incomplete markets | thesis supervisors: Martin Hellwig, Dieter Sondermann
graduated 1984 | dissertation: Über die Allokation von Risiken in unvollständigen Märkten | thesis supervisors: Martin Hellwig, Werner Hildenbrand