Alumni archive
graduated 2004 | dissertation: The value of signals in hidden action models concepts, application, and empirical evidence ; with 9 tables | thesis supervisors: Zimmermann, Matthias Kräkel
graduated 2003 | dissertation: Issues in money, banking and herding | thesis supervisors: Georg Nöldeke, Charles A. E. Goodhart
graduated 2003 | dissertation: Occupational mobility and occupational matching some implications for career choice and labor market policy | thesis supervisors: Klaus F Zimmermann, Matthias Kräkel
graduated 2003 | dissertation: Ex-post implementation: impossibility, characterizations and mixed bundling auctions | thesis supervisors: Benny Moldovanu, Paul Milgrom
graduated 2003 | dissertation: Incentive Provision in and between Firms the boundaries of the firm, long-term contracts, and delegation | thesis supervisors: Urs Schweizer, Georg Nöldeke
graduated 2003 | dissertation: Bounded perception in economic interactions | thesis supervisors: Jörg Oechssler, Clemens puppe
graduated 2003 | dissertation: Aggregate returns to individual decisions development, income inequality and competition for jobs and workers | thesis supervisors: Klaus F Zimmermann, Monika Merz
graduated 2003 | dissertation: Mean-variance hedging in the presence of additionally observed market prices | thesis supervisors: Dieter Sondermann, Klaus Schürger
graduated 2003 | dissertation: Mechanism design by an informed principal a common value model and applications
graduated 2002 | dissertation: Optimality and the role of government in stochastic OLG models with production | thesis supervisors: Georg Nöldeke, Clemens puppe
graduated 2002 | dissertation: Imperfect information and commitment in financial contracting | thesis supervisors: Urs Schweizer, Erik Theissen
graduated 2002 | dissertation: Essays in quantitative monetary economics | thesis supervisors: Jürgen von Hagen, James Stock
graduated 2002 | dissertation: Jewish and German emigration from the former Soviet Union in the 1990s | thesis supervisors: Klaus F Zimmermann, Matthias Kräkel
graduated 2002 | dissertation: Regulation of damage clauses in labor contracts with an application to transfer systems in European professional sports | thesis supervisors: Urs Schweizer, Georg Nöldeke
graduated 2002 | dissertation: Extended libor market models derivatives pricing, implementation, and calibration | thesis supervisors: Dieter Sondermann, Klaus Schürger
graduated 2001 | dissertation: Dynamic fiscal policy | thesis supervisors: Dieter Bös, Clemens puppe
graduated 2001 | dissertation: Bounded rationality in differentiated markets and in the polity | thesis supervisors: Georg Nöldeke, Avner Shaked
graduated 2001 | dissertation: Three essays on empirical aspects of credit markets | thesis supervisors: Jürgen von Hagen, Charles A. E. Goodhart
graduated 2001 | dissertation: On research joint ventures and venture capital finance | thesis supervisors: Urs Schweizer, Georg Nöldeke
graduated 2001 | dissertation: Insurance aspects of social security | thesis supervisors: Dieter Bös, Urs Schweizer