The BGSE has strong collaborations with the following local and international partners:

Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224
The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) TR 224, since 2018 a cooperation of the University of Bonn and the University of Mannheim, addresses key societal challenges such as equality of opportunity, market regulation in times of internationalization and digitalization, and stability of the financial system.

ECONtribute: Märkte & Public Policy
ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy, a joint initiative of the Universities of Bonn and Cologne, will be funded as a Cluster of Excellence in the German Excellence Strategy.
The goal of the Cluster is to advance a new paradigm for the analysis of markets...

IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
IZA is a platform committed to advancing high-quality research on the role of labor markets for economic inequality, and the behavioral aspects influencing these areas. Their mission encompasses scientific policy advice, the active transfer of current knowledge, and the promotion of young talent.

UC Berkeley Exchange Program
Outstanding bachelor students of our department are invited to apply for the Berkeley exchange program.
Once a year, up to three students are given the opportunity to spend a year abroad...

Yale Exchange Program
The BGSE has a formal agreement on a regular student exchange with Yale University.
The visits last for an academic year and are financed through teaching assistantships.
Doctoral students of the BGSE can apply for the Yale exchange program...
6 partner universities
within the EDP
The European Doctoral Program (EDP) is a network of top economics departments in Europe. It offers unique access to the traditions and to the current research fields of the seven member institutions...
The Bonn Graduate School of Economics is grateful for the generous support by the following institutions: