Universität Bonn

Department of Economics / BGSE

Current Workshops & Seminars

From their 2nd year onwards, BGSE students participate in one or more of the BGSE workshops where current research projects are discussed.

BGSE Workshops and Seminars

These six workshops are acknowledged by the BGSE for students' presentations within the good standing regulations:

  • BGSE Brown Bag Seminar (in winter only and for students at the beginning of their dissertation phase)
  • BGSE Behavioral Economics / Applied Micro Workshop (in cooperation with CRC TR 224)
  • BGSE Micro Workshop 
  • Econometrics and Statistics Seminar (in cooperation with CRC TR 224)
  • Finance Seminar (in cooperation with CRC TR 224)
  • Bonn Macro Lunch Seminar (BMLS)

Further Workshops and Seminars of the Economics Department

The institutes of our department offer workshops and seminars where colleagues and international guests talk about their research projects. Doctoral students are very welcome.

  • MEF / ECONtribute Seminar
  • Econtribute Law Econ Workshop
  • MEF / Econtribute Seminar
  • Micro Theory Seminar (in cooperation with CRC TR 224) 
  • Young ECONtribute Program (YEP) Seminar
  • Bonn Applied Microeconomics Seminar

Seminars and Workshops of our Partner Institutions

Doctoral candidates are welcome to join in the seminars and workshops of our partner institutions:

  • Research Seminars by Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods Upcoming Events2

Promotion plusBIGS 

Doctorate plusBIGS is a qualification program offered by the Bonn Graduate Center, BGC. Please check the website of BGC for workshops for extracurricular skills like Research Data Management, Managing Projects, and many more.

All seminars and workshops of the economics department as well as some of our affiliated institutions are published weekly (during terms) in the Bonn Econ News. If you want to receive the Bonn Econ News regularly by e-mail (free of charge), send an e-mail with "subscribe econ-news" in the body to econ-news-subscribe@listen.uni-bonn.de.

Read also

Bonn Econ News

Stay informed about all research seminars and workshops during lecture hours with our weekly newsletter.

Argelander Program

Enjoy comprehensive support tailored to your interests and career stage with the Argelander Program for Early-Career Researchers at the Argelander Competence Center.

Funding Opportunities

From grants for participation in conferences and online events, to support offers for families during the corona pandemic, to graduation grants: Not only the BGSE but also the University of Bonn has numerous funding offers.

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