Funding & Fees
There are no tuition fees at public universities in Germany - neither for domestic nor for international students. There are grants available from the very beginning of the MSc/Economic Research program.

The BGSE does not raise tuition. Yet we ask our students to officially enroll with Bonn University as a master, resp. doctoral student and to pay a social service contribution of app. 325 Euro per semester for general social services.
Over half of the semester fee is used to finance student transit passes (tickets for transportation). Around one-third goes to the Studierendenwerk, which, for example, is involved in maintaining the canteens, providing accommodation for students, or organizing educational support/grants. Smaller amounts go to the General Students’ Committee (AStA), student councils, and University Sports. Student social services and assistance funds are also supported.

From the very beginning of the MSc/Economic Research program, the BGSE offers grants of 1,465 Euros per month to its students. Students reaching certain academic goals as defined by the good standing rules1 (academic milestones) receive financial support for five years.
Grants are exempt from taxation. Health insurance is not included.
Travel Funds
You are encouraged to present your research papers at conferences during your dissertation phase. If your paper got accepted for presentation and if your supervisor supports your participation, we provide you with travel funds.
If you are accepted to visit one of our partner universities within the European Doctoral Program, the BGSE continues to pay your grant for up to six months. Same is true for research stays abroad at other universities.
Teaching Assistantships
We encourage you to apply for teaching assistantships at our department in order to gain valuable teaching experience. Anyhow, if you receive a grant, we ask you to wait with tutoring until you have finished your second year of the MSc program.
The reason for this is that we want you to absolutely focus on your research first. The average income of a teaching assistantship is up to 500 Euro per month (on top of your grant).
Support for Parents
BGSE students who have a child and receive a scholarship can ask for a child allowance. This allowance comes on top of your grant and is currently € 400 per month for the first child. In addition, you can apply for financial help for childcare. All these offers are designed to help you as a young researcher and parent since we promote equal opportunities for students with children.
Good to Know
If you apply for admission, you do not need to apply for grants separately. If you have not been offered a grant by the BGSE and want to look for alternative funding possibilities:
Scholarships by German Insitutions
The University of Bonn lists several German institutions offering scholarships (by the way: not only for International but also for German students).
Scholarships database of DAAD
More information on funding possibilities can be found via the scholarship database of the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD).
Association of German Foundations
The Association of German Foundations (Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen) has a foundation search engine on its website (only in German and only with German foundations).
Study Portals: Scholarships
Study Portals is a private website that helps students to find the best-fit study program, that matches their needs. They offer a new scholarship portal search engine, where you can search for scholarships in Germany.