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QS Ranking by subject
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Department of Economics

Department of Economics

The University of Bonn’s Department of Economics is one of the strongest research departments in the field of economics in Europe. Through research and teaching, we aim to contribute to addressing major societal challenges and to provide impulses for effective and evidence-based economic policy. Our focus is on the education of young economists from the bachelor's to the doctoral level.

Schaden Fake News der Wirtschaft? Neue Folge des ECONtribute-Podcast5
Gefährden Fake News nicht nur die Demokratie, sondern schaden auch der Wirtschaft? Lässt sich das überhaupt messen? Und wieviel ist Menschen der Schutz vor Falschinformationen wert?
Department of Economics in 2nd place in QS Ranking6
The international ranking provider Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) has published this year's subject ranking. In the ranking of economics/econometrics, the Department of Economics is in 61st place. In a Germany-wide comparison, the University of Bonn's Department of Economics has improved to 2nd place compared to the previous year.
Two BGSE Students selected for Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 20257
The 8th Lindau Nobel Meeting in Economic Sciences takes place from 26–30 August 2025 and welcomes around 20 Economics Nobel Laureates in Lindau to exchange ideas with the next generation of leading Young Scientists from all over the world. BGSE students Lina Uhe and Moritz May have been selected and will have the opportunity to join the event.
Registration is open! Join Manchot Lecture, featuring Dirk Bergemann8
The annual Manchot Lecture, featuring Dirk Bergemann, takes place on May 06, 2025, starting at 16:00 at the Universitätsclub Bonn. This event, open to the public, welcomes all individuals interested in contemporary economics research.
Call for Papers: European Economic Theory Conference10
Whole Day
The European Economic Theory Conference (EETC) is an annual event that brings together researchers in economic theory across Europe and beyond. The EETC ...
Girls’ Day 202511
Juridicum, Adenauerallee ...
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Am Donnerstag, dem 3. April ist wieder Girls‘Day! Du interessierst dich für Wirtschaft und Forschung? Du möchtest später in deinem Beruf ein Beitrag für die ...
Information zum Wechsel in die neue PO 202412
via Zoom
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Am Freitag, den 04.04.2025 findet die Informationsveranstaltung zur Wahl der freien Wahlpflichtmodule um 11:00-12:00 Uhr online via Zoom statt.
Manchot Lecture 2025 - Featuring Dirk Bergemann13
Universitätsclub Bonn
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
The annual Manchot Lecture, featuring Dirk Bergemann, takes place on May 06, 2025, starting at 16:00 at the Universitätsclub Bonn. This event, open to the ...


The Department of Economics offers the degree programs BSc "Economics", BA "Economics" (2-subject or accompanying subject) and MSc "Economics".


Are you aiming for a doctorate? The Bonn Graduate School of Economics offers an English-language Doctoral Program (PhD) with an integrated Master in Economic Research for students from all over the world.


Excellence Cluster ECONtribute
© ECONtribute

Excellence Cluster

The ECONtribute Excellence Cluster in Economic Sciences conducts research on markets in the area of intersection between business, politics and society.

CRC TR 224

Collaborative Research Center

The SFB TR 224 deals with equal opportunities, market regulation and financial market stability as societal challenges.

RGT 2281
© RGT 2281

Graduate College

The Research Training Group conducts research on the macroeconomic consequences of inequality and how fiscal, financial and monetary policies should take inequality into account.

Isabel Schnabel Lecture
© Econ Uni Bonn


The department is organized in a departmental structure encompassing scientific and teaching areas and is divided into five institutes for teaching and research.


Study Counseling Bachelor

Vera Häckel


Adenauerallee 24-42


Study Counseling Master & Exchange

Sabine Hübner-Monien


Adenauerallee 24-42

53113 Bonn

Office of the Department

Julia Ferreira Pacheco


Adenauerallee 24-26


Department of Economics

Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Kartendaten © OpenStreetMap21

Opening Hours Juridicum

Lecture hours

  • Mo - Thu
    08.00 - 22.00 h
  • Fr - Sa
    08.00 - 20.00 h
  • Sunday

Lecture-free time

  • Mo - Thu
    08.00 - 22.00 h
  • Fr - Sa
    08.00 - 20.00 h
  • Sunday
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