27. March 2023

QS ranking: Department of Economics performs strongly Department of Economics strong in QS ranking

In the current QS ranking by subject, the Department of Economics is ranked 50th worldwide and 3rd in Germany. Depending on the subject, the subject rankings consist of 4-5 indicators such as academic reputation, reputation among employers, citations, or also the international research and publication network. Worldwide, 1,594 universities were ranked.

QS Ranking
QS Ranking © Econ Uni Bonn
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Overall, the University of Bonn can be pleased with strong improvements in the QS ranking by subjects this year. It improved again in about half of the ranked subjects in a nationwide comparison. With first place in Germany and 39th place in the international comparison, mathematics is at the top of the ranked subjects.

In addition, dentistry also occupies the top spot in Germany, improving by two places. It is also very well positioned internationally in the 51-80 cohort. The departments of economics and econometrics (ranked 50th worldwide and 3rd in Germany), agriculture and forestry (66th worldwide and 4th in Germany), philosophy (51-100th worldwide and 5th in Germany), and archaeology (51-100th worldwide and 6th in Germany) are among the best-ranked subjects. More than half of the university's 23 ranked subjects are found in the international TOP 150.

"I am very pleased that we have not only been able to maintain many of our positions, but have even improved them in many subjects," said Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, the university's rector. "Once again, an international ranking proves that the disciplines of the University of Excellence Bonn are not only strong in national comparison, but also perform exceptionally well in global competition."

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