BGSE Graduates Fabian Schmitz and Matthias Gnewuch
Congratulations! Fabian Schmitz and Matthias Gnewuch graduated from Bonn Graduate School of Economics.
What matters for accurate self-assessment
Research has consistently shown that individuals who possess a realistic perception of their abilities tend to excel in life compared to others. The ability to accurately assess oneself, whether contemplating an apprenticeship or pursuing higher education, choosing between language or science disciplines, or determining the best-suited path, plays a vital role. The precision with which young people answer these critical questions is heavily influenced by their social environment. A study by professors from the Department of Economics Armin Falk and Florian Zimmermann, together with Fabian Kosse (University of Würzburg) and Hanna Schildberg-Hörrisch (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf) developed in cooperation at the Institute on Behavior & Inequality (briq), which systematically tracks the development of children from nearly 600 families, confirms this notion.
Lehrpreise für das Studienjahr 2022/23
Das Rektorat der Universität Bonn und der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften vergeben jedes Jahr Lehrpreise an Dozentinnen und Dozenten, die besondere Leistungen in der Lehre erbracht haben. Die Lehrpreise würdigen und machen exzellente Lehre an der Universität Bonn sichtbar.
Save The Date: Manchot Lecture Features Professor Per Krusel
We are thrilled to announce that the next edition of the annual Manchot Lecture, sponsored by the Jürgen Manchot Foundation, will be held on November 16th. This year, we are privileged to welcome Professor Per Krusell, a distinguished economist from Stockholm University and London School of Economics, as our keynote speaker.
German Real Estate Price Index (GREIX)
High rents, gentrification and lack of housing construction: affordable housing has been scarce in Germany for years. The COVID-19 pandemic, historically high inflation and rising interest rates are increasing fear of a growing housing crisis. From mid-2022, real estate prices collapsed by up to 20 per cent when adjusted for inflation. How did it get this far? How have real estate prices in Germany developed over the past 60 years? And what conclusions can be drawn for the future? The German Real Estate Price Index (GREIX), developed by economists from the Department of Economics of the University of Bonn, provides answers and establishes novel standards for the analysis of German real estate markets based on cutting-edge data.
VWL-Studium von Studierenden bewertet
Im diesjährigen CHE-Ranking des Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung schneidet die VWL sehr gut ab. Sowohl im Bereich der faktenbasierten Rankingergebnisse, als auch bei den Ergebnissen der Studierendenbefragung konnte der Fachbereich viele positive Bewertungen erhalten.
How Germany made it through winter without Russian gas
The German economy has coped with the end of Russian gas supplies and would have also been able to withstand an import stop from April 2022. This is the result of an analysis of a team around Prof. Dr. Moritz Schularick, member of the Department of Economics and designated President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, joint with Prof. Dr. Benjamin Moll (London School of Economics), and Dr. Georg Zachmann (Bruegel). The study has been published as “ECONtribute Policy Brief”.
Dies Academicus: Nachhaltigkeit in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Nachhaltigkeit und Wirtschaftswissenschaften – passt das zusammen? Sehr gut sogar! Konsumenten und Produzenten verbrauchen Energie, verursachen Verschmutzung. Preise auf Märkte bilden die gesellschaftlichen Kosten eine Produktes nur unzureichend ab. Andererseits können Märkte, beispielsweise für Emissionszertifikate, helfen, Verschmutzung zu vermeiden, oder die Kosten des Klimaschutzes zu reduzieren. Weitere Eingriffe können ebenfalls nachhaltigere Entscheidungsmuster fördern ohne ökonomischen Wohlstand substantiell zu gefährden.
Wird geladen