Der Wirtschaftswahlkampf (2/2)1
Warum ignorieren sämtliche Parteien die Zukunft des gesetzlichen Rentensystems? Was hat die Umstellung von HartzIV zum Bürgergeld ökonomisch gebracht? Und welche Wirtschaftsreformen sind wirklich realistisch?
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Anne Hannusch joins the Department of Economics2
Prof. Anne Hannusch completed her Ph.D. at Emory University in 2018. During her Ph.D., she visited the University of Pennsylvania and the Research Department of the European Central Bank. Prior to joining the University of Bonn, Hannusch was a junior professor at the University of Mannheim.
Neuer Podcast: Wer gewinnt den Wirtschaftswahlkampf?3
Kann eine neue Bundesregierung die Wirtschaft retten? Sollte die Schuldenbremse ausgesetzt werden? Und sind die angekündigten Steuerreformen realistisch oder nur übliche Wahlkampf-Rhetorik?
Hemmt die EU-Regulierung Innovation?4
Hemmt das Regulieren von Künstlicher Intelligenz wirtschaftliches Potenzial in Europa? Wie verändert die Technologie das Recht? Und ist die KI-Verordnung in der Praxis überhaupt umsetzbar?
Bonn graduate Philipp Strack receives award from WirtschaftsWoche5
"Philipp Strack from Bonn is one of the world's most research-oriented economists. Some even consider the young Yale professor a candidate for the Nobel Prize” is how WirtschaftsWoche explains its choice. With the “Deutschlands 30 bis 2030” initiative, WirtschaftsWoche honors people from Germany who “encourage others with their ideas, projects or companies, create innovations and breakthroughs and are exemplary in their field”. Economist Philipp Strack, who graduated from the Department of Economics at the University of Bonn and completed his doctorate at the Bonn Graduate School of Economics, is one of the 30 award winners in 2024.
Job Market Candidates of 2024/256
These are the Job Market Candidates for 2024/25 of the Department of Economics.
Apply as a tutor now!7
The recruitment period is 07.04.2025 to 18.07.2025, during which each tutor will hold two 90-minute weekly tutorials.
Shanghai ranking by subject 2024: Bonn first place in Germany8
Once again this year, the current “Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2024” of the well-known Shanghai Ranking confirms the strength of the Department of Economics at the University of Bonn. In economics, Bonn is ranked 41st internationally, 9th in Europe, as in the previous year, and 1st in Germany.