Wind of Change? Kultur und die Berufstätigkeit von Müttern1
ECONtribute lädt zur nächsten Veranstaltung der Vortragsreihe „Reinhard Selten Equal Opportunity Talks (ReStart)“ mit Prof. Uta Schönberg, Ph.D. ein. Uta Schönberg ist Professorin für Volkswirtschaftslehre am University College London.
Job Market Candidates of 2022/232
These are the Job Market Candidates for 2022/23 of the Department of Economics.
New Assistant Professor: Hanna Schwank3
Hanna Schwank is new Assistant Professor in Economic History at the MacroFinance & MacroHistory Lab
BGSE Graduate Rubén Domínguez Díaz4
Congratulations to the new Bonn Graduate School of Economics graduate Rubén Domínguez Díaz!
Julia Mink is new Professor at the Department of Economics5
How do pollution and climate change affect health and the associated costs? How do people adapt to their environmental conditions, and what factors are crucial for such adaptability? Julia Mink, new Professor at the Department of Economics Bonn, addresses these and other questions. In the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Individuals, Institutions and Societies", she will work at the interface of environmental and health economics. Starting in the winter semester, she teaches econometrics in the Bachelor Volkswirtschaftslehre.
Christian Bayer in Gas- & Wärmekommision der Bundesregierung6
Außerdem soll das Gremium zeigen, wie die gestiegenen Kosten gesenkt und die Folgen der hohen Inflation für Firmen und Verbraucher abgefedert werden könnten, kündigte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz an.
Christian Bayer receives the Hermann Heinrich Gossen Award7
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022, the Hermann Heinrich Gossen Award was awarded to Professor Christian Bayer. The Hermann Heinrich Gossen Award is awarded once a year by the Verein für Socialpolitik to an economist under the age of 45 from the German-speaking area for internationally recognized research achievements. The award is endowed with 10,000 euros. The aim of the award is to promote the internationalization of German-language economics. The main criterion for the award is publications in internationally recognized journals.
Podcast: Der Gashahn 2.08
Was hat sich in Deutschland in Sachen Gasversorgung seit Beginn des russischen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine getan? Wie würde ein jetziger Gaslieferstopp die Wirtschaft treffen? Und mit welchen Maßnahmen gelingt es, ausreichend Gas einzusparen?