03. September 2024

Interview with BGSE Graduate Francisco Osswald do Amaral Interview with BGSE Graduate Francisco Osswald do Amaral

The department congratulates Francisco Osswald do Amaral on graduating from the Bonn Graduate School of Economics!

Francisco Osswald do Amaral
Francisco Osswald do Amaral © Francisco Osswald do Amaral
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My Highlights

I appreciated the range of topics that we BGSE students could choose from and the mentorship I received from both professors and fellow students. In addition, the BGSE provided excellent support in funding research projects, which made my work much easier. Bonn is also a wonderful city that offers the perfect conditions for balancing work and personal life


My Research

In my research, I analyze the relationship between risk and return in housing markets and how it varies across regions and under different macroeconomic conditions. One of the key findings of my research is that housing markets exhibit many dynamics similar to those of other asset markets, such as stocks and bonds. As such, understanding the factors that influence risks and returns in this market is essential for developing effective and sustainable policies to make the housing market more resilient and affordable.


My Future

Building on the research skills I developed in Bonn, I will continue my career as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance at the University of Zurich.

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